So... after 6 hours of pitosin, 9 hours at the hospital, too many contractions to count, hours of fasting (Amber), 1 round of questionable hospital food (Tyler), multiple checkups, many talks with the doctor and a lot of waiting... HER DAMN CERVIX WON"T DILATE!
So... the doctor sends me home with a very tired... a very frustrated... and a very demoralized wife WITHOUT a baby. Rather than wage full scale, multi-day chemical war against Amber's body and the baby, we decide to follow the doctors recommendation and head home and wait for things to progress naturally... hopefully sometime in the next couple of days.
So... we now know a couple of things:
1) our family and friends are a huge blessing and support (even during a firedrill)
2) Amber's sister's are willing to drive 28 hours round trip to see her potentially NOT deliver a baby
3) Skyridge Medical Center's pizza is a close relative to cardboard
4) watching 4 straight hours of Jon & Kate + 8 creates a high level of anxiety and stress but DOES NOT induce labor
5) the only effect from 6 hours of pitosin was a faint chant through the baby monitor of "HELL NO, WE WON'T GO!"
So... we live to fight another day...
More to come.
The womb!
8 months ago
I can't believe it...OMG. I'm so sorry, how frustrating! I've never even heard of anyone going into be induced and it not working! That baby is either really stubborn or really not ready. Good Luck!
OH, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!! That is unreal! I can't even imagine! I'm so sorry! I hope the baby comes REAL soon! Good Luck!
Looking on the bright side, Pitocin caused me such rough labor that it tore the placenta away from the uterin wall, causing us to lose Axton's heartbeat - which lead to an emergency c-section. I'm glad Amber and baby are doing well and will have another go at it. GOOD LUCK!
That's horrible.... I have been there and it is not fun. Hope the baby comes soon.
wow! I am so not jealous of you right now...I was all ready to get on your blog and see your cute little baby and tell you he/she was born on the best day of the whole year...but on the bright side Kris and I got a good laugh from Tyler's post! Maybe tomorrow is your day!!! Good luck!
Sorry to hear that you guys! Kind of odd to hear of a baby not coming when it is the third. I guess it will come when it is ready. I feel your pain! Can't wait to find out what it is! Love you guys!
I guess disappointment is an understatement. Poor Amber! I never thought they would send you home. That's awful. Soon for both you and Amber's sake!
What Cervix would dilate after watching john and kate plus 8. Your body was freakin' scared to let that baby out! I am so sorry. I can't even believe that. But, Tyler your posts are hilarious, keep it up.
dude, that sucks rocks!! my sis in law had the same thing with her cervix unable to dialate on pitocin... docs somehow used a balloon and six pack of soda to dialate her. yikes. but that was utah... heheee! please let me know if you want me to come get your kids. we'd love to help out!
Awww crap! That's no fun. When I was induced with Miles I went into the hospital at 6:00am and even with all that pitocin pumping I didn't dilate until 10:00pm. I can imagine that's not the best way for your body and baby to go through the process. Maybe it will have a delayed reaction and kick in today!
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