Lately with the uncertainty of our economy and so many friends, families and acquaintances in such trying circumstances I have been thinking a lot lately about how GRATEFUL I am for my many blessings... Thomas S. Monson said, "Our realization of what is most important in life goes hand in hand with gratitude for our blessings..." I often find myself questioning or comparing our situation against others and less often take the time to realize my blessings... I have been blessed with an amazing husband that works so hard, two & a half healthy adorable little red heads, a successful and loving marriage, amazing friends and family that never cease to amaze me with their little notes, phone calls and or gifts in the mail, the true Gospel, a beautiful and warm home, great health, the ability to concive and carry a child... I could go on forever... I think it's so imporatant to stop and take time to evaluate what we have been given & our family has truly been blessed.
The womb!
8 months ago