Friday, January 8, 2010


we haven't been in this house since we've had a crawler... yesterday taz found my cell charger that was plugged into the wall and shocked himself when he started chewing on it... then he ripped every single book off the book shelf in the office in a matter of seconds, then the little monster keeps closing all the heating vents when it's negative 2 outside, and today he is playing in the toilet... oh the joy! it's all coming back to me now!



Max thought that this was hilarious.

tarin said...

Mischievous but SO cute!

tiffany garfield photography said...

Isn't it so much fun! Just consider yourself lucky that the cell phone charger didn't go down the vent or the toilet. That's one of my favorites :)

James and Tricia Thomas said...

It's so easy to forget all the naughtiness!!! At least he's so cute you can't get mad!

Andrew and Tawny said...

Oh my gosh amb I just want to squeeze that little guy. Who knows when our little monsters will meet up again. Thank goodness we have Taz or else poor Jack would be surrounded by girl cousins. He's so stinky cute

Melinda Lindahl said...

Oh no! It's too bad he's too cute or you would have to get really upset! I feel your pain! Oh! The joy of motherhood. How are you feeling?

Unknown said...

OMG! LMBO!! That is so cute