Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Chase!!

Just wanted to wish, one of my favorite brother-in-laws a Happy Birthday!!! Chase has always been the little brother that I never had.... Thanks for the phone calls, car washes and all the great memories! Your a great uncle and an all around great guy! Hugs!


Stephanie said...

Ok, that picture actually startled me...kinda creepy.

It was fun to see you and cute Brooklyn in AZ. Come back soon!

tiffany garfield said...

Dido, on the first picture scaring me a little. haha. Way cute pic of them reading together! Happy Birthday chase!

chase said...

That is basically what I look like everyone so I feel bad if you are all startled! ha Thanks Amb, it was a great birthday! Could not have asked for anything more. I woke up, did my laundry, cleaned the apartment, dropped off drycleaning, washed my car, and put some money in the bank! Now, if someone could please describe a more perfect day for the life of "chase carlson" please...take a stab at it cause i'd be interest. Amb, I think Boston was actually teaching me how to read this book. He seemed to have it memorized when I was reading it to him. I love that kid, he's a stud!

See you guys next week for brett and kristy's wedding!

Erin Ann said...

Hey Amber - that's a crazy pic!

I tagged you, so look at my page to see the directions!