* This morning I could hear Boston singing from the other room, I went to check on him and found him INSIDE of Taz's crib singing him "Twinkle, Twinkle"! As I came into the room he told me that Taz had been crying and he was just singing him back to sleep.... so precious I should have taken a picture! A
Yesterday was a tough day for me... My little brother in law "Skip" left on his mission... He has been the little brother that I never had but always wanted... He called us about 5 minutes before he went into the MTC and had a chance to talk to Boston on the phone, Boston told him (unprovoked) that he wanted him to be a good missionary & that he knew he would be... that he would miss him and how he will be be bigger than him when he comes home... I am so grateful for his example and the impact his decision to go on a mission has made on my little Boston, who someday will be making a decision whether to go on a mission himself - - I hope he remembers how proud he was to say goodbye to his Uncle Skip...
Skip will be serving in the San Diego, CA -- ASL (American Sign Language) Mission
happy birthday to the PRINCESS of our family! At 5, you are loving,
i carly your "allison" american girl doll your brothers pink cousin allison swim lessons captain crunch lipgloss shooting with dad making "boats" swedish fish manicures your scooter reading your barbie jeep cheese