Monday was Boston's first day of Montessori! I wish I could say that I sobbed and was devastated to drop him off, but I wasn't... My Mom called to check on me and to see if I was having a hard time, she asks..."Did you even cry?" My reply.... "Not one tear!"He has been so envious of his big sister over the past year as we would drop off and pick her up daily! At drop off time the kids go straight out to the playground for about 15 minutes, followed by a couple hours of "jobs & practical life skills" and then the last 15 minutes of the day they are playing in the school yard when parents pick up... Which means outside playing activities is all the Boss has seen take place at this so called "Big Boy School." Poor kid has been thinking I am depriving him of 4 straight hours of sandboxes, swings, slides, water tables and monkey bars, not realizing there actually is some schoolwork involved... His first week went great, his favorite activity....Snack Time! He informed me after I picked him up on his 2nd day that "they only give me fruits and vegetables, NO MEAT!" In case you didn't know, Boston is 100% carnivore, what more could a mother ask for! This past week was only for the newbies or 1st year Montessori students, so they can get the hang of it before the older kids trample over them... So Tuesday when Brooklyn, my "upperclassman preschooler" tags along there will be more pictures to follow! Here are a couple of Boss on his very first day!
The womb!
7 months ago